Lingerie Bags

Author: Vintagified / Labels:

I made a set of lingerie bags as a bridal shower present, so here they are.

It starts with a pattern,in this case a vintage
transfer pattern retraced on a light box

The design is then transfered to the fabric using a water marker. The markings literally vanish if you get them wet.

This is a close up of the work just after the guide marks are washed out.

some Ironing, sewing and fussing and voila!


Sarahliz said...

Those are really lovely.
I've taken up crochet and just recently have gotten into doilies (though my goal is to graduate to place settings and a table cloth). I need to think about giving embroidery a try at some point.

AT said...

Oh how pretty! What a wonderful gift!

Anonymous said...

These are lovely!!

Donell said...

These are beautiful! If you ever decide to make these to sell, let me know.

Sean said...

Hi there- I saw your post on my blog - 2nd time around. It is me Sean from Heritage Square - lets connect soon!

J. said...

They're gorgeous!

Alyssa said...

How pretty! Everyone could use a set of such lovely lingerie bags.

Meg said...

As the lucky bride, I have to say these are just the most beautiful things on earth and I treasure them!